expdp exclude schema or table

expdp export exclude syntax:

Here is a simple example on how to use exclude in your export cmds.

Exclude Tables

Using parfile:

First create a parfile with details.
$ vi impdp_full.par

--add the details to parfile
directory=DPUMP logfile=SCOTT_EXP.log dumpfile=SCOTT_%U.dmp parallel=4  EXCLUDE=TABLE:"IN ('TABLE1','TABLE2','TABLE3')

Then execute using parfile:
expdp SCOTT/XXXXXX parfile=impdp_full.par

on cmdline:
expdp SCOTT/XXXXX directory=DPUMP dumpfile=SCOTT_%U.dmp logfile=SCOTT.log schemas=SCOTT  parallel=6 EXCLUDE=TABLE:\"IN (\'TABLE1\', \'TABLE2\')\"


Exclude Schemas

First create a parfile with details.

$ vi expdp_full.par
--add the details to parfile
directory=DPUMP FULL=Y dumpfile=FULLDB_%U.dmp logfile=FULL.log   parallel=6 EXCLUDE=SCHEMA:"IN ('SCHEMA1','SCHEMA2','SCHEMA3')

Then execute using parfile:
expdp SYSTEM/XXXXXX parfile=expdp_full.par

on cmdline:
expdp SYSTEM/XXXXX directory=DPUMP dumpfile=FULLDB_%U.dmp logfile=FULL.log FULL=Y  parallel=6 EXCLUDE=TABLE:\"IN (\'SCHEMA1\', \'SCHEMA2\')\"


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