Steps to quickly rebuild of existing standby database
Steps to quickly rebuild of existing standby database: There are situations where you will have to rebuild your existing standby database as a result of various situations like primary db was restored from backup with open reset logs. 1. Disable log shipping to standby database (that you want to rebuild "alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2=defer"). 2. Take full bakup from PRIMARY DB. 3. Take standby controlfile backup. 4. Copy backup and standby control file to standby server. 5. Drop datalafiles and controlfiles on standby Database. 6. Copy new standby control files to all controlfile locations. 7. Mount standby Database 8. Restore standby database. 8. Enable log shipping to standby database(alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2=enable). 9. Recover managed standby database (on standby).