UNIX Permissions - table
Unix/Linux Permissions:
Here is the list of values and what they stand for in unix folder/directory permissions.Basically it is a simple you can count the value by using octa decimal binary numbers 421 :
See below image
Value 0 directory listing is 000 = 0+0+0
Value 1 directory listing is 001 = 0+0+1
Value 2 directory listing is 020 = 0+0+0
This is where they gain their permission from :
so simple chmod 1 will give execute only permision on file/folder
so simple chmod 2 will give write only permision on file/folder
so simple chmod 3 will write & execute permision on file/folder
chmod 775 test.txt >> this mean 7 for
UNIX Permissions
Value | Permission | Directory Listing |
0 | No read, no write, no execute | --- |
1 | No read, no write, execute | --x |
2 | No read, write, no execute | -w- |
3 | No read, write, execute | -wx |
4 | Read, no write, no execute | r-- |
5 | Read, no write, execute | r-x |
6 | Read, write, no execute | rw- |
7 | Read, write, execute | rwx |
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