Finding Last DDL and DML Activity on a Table
Finding out Last DDL and DML Activity on a Table
Here is a small piece of SQL Commands to get the same info:
create table t (t1 number,t2 varchar2(20),t3 date);
Table created.
Here is how you could find the same
OracleDba.In >select
2 (select last_ddl_time from dba_objects where object_name='T' and owner='SYS') "DDL Time",
3 decode(maxscn,0,'N/A',scn_to_timestamp(maxscn)) "DML Time"
4 from
5 (select nvl(max(ora_rowscn),0) maxscn from t);
DDL Time DML Time
------------------- -------------------------------
2012-01-25 15:58:35 N/A
Now add some data to the table
sql >insert into t values(1,'A',sysdate);
1 row created.
sql >select
(select last_ddl_time from dba_objects where object_name='T' and owner='SYS') "DDL Time",
decode(maxscn,0,'N/A',scn_to_timestamp(maxscn)) "DML Time"
(select nvl(max(ora_rowscn),0) maxscn from t);
DDL Time DML Time
------------------- -------------------------------
2013-01-25 15:58:35 25-JAN-13 PM
sql >commit;
Commit complete.
OraDba.In >update t set t1=2;
1 row updated.
sql >select
(select last_ddl_time from dba_objects where object_name='T' and owner='SYS') "DDL Time",
decode(maxscn,0,'N/A',scn_to_timestamp(maxscn)) "DML Time"
(select nvl(max(ora_rowscn),0) maxscn from t);
DDL Time DML Time
------------------- -------------------------------
2013-01-25 15:58:35 25-JAN-13 PM
OracleDba.In >alter table t move;
Table altered.
sql >select
(select last_ddl_time from dba_objects where object_name='T' and owner='SYS') "DDL Time",
decode(maxscn,0,'N/A',scn_to_timestamp(maxscn)) "DML Time"
(select nvl(max(ora_rowscn),0) maxscn from t);
DDL Time DML Time
------------------- -------------------------------
2013-01-25 16:05:40 25-JAN-13 PM
Note: You can also get all this information by enabling auditing in your database.
Check this links for Auditing :
Hello, I'm only a developer trying to look for the last DML action on a table. Your query here provides the time, but is there a way to get what the action was that was performed on the table? Whether it was a INSERT/UPDATE or a DELETE ?
ReplyDeleteyou will need to setup your database in Audit mode for that.