
Showing posts from February, 2014

How to Add/Drop/Rename Standby Redolog file

 How to Drop/Rename Standby Redolog file in Oracle 11g While performing the dataguard Broker, we need to drop the standby database while switchover the standby . As it seems an easy task but it is bit tricky . Below are the steps to drop the redolog file from standby database : On Standby Database : SQL> select member,type from v$logfile; MEMBER                                                                     TYPE                     ----------------------------------             ...

Oracle Active Data Guard Or Oracle GoldenGate

Oracle Active Data Guard and Oracle GoldenGate Oracle Active Data Guard and Oracle Golden Gate are strategic capabilities within Oracle's software portfolio. While they generally fall into the category of replication technologies, each has a very different area of focus. Oracle Active Data Guard provides the best data protection and availability for Oracle Database in the simplest most economical manner by maintaining an exact physical replica of the production copy at a remote location that is open read-only while replication is active. Active Data Guard eliminates compromise inherent in storage remote-mirroring or logical replication solutions though deep integration with Oracle Database and through the simplicity achieved by complete focus on providing real-time data protection and availabi...


SCRIPT TO CREATE TOAD USER : I really had to struggle a lot to get this script.Creating these objects as toad user will allow u to gathers stats for disk ,data file and table spaces growth and trending. This scipt need to be run as toad user to create all the tables & ddl needed for toad user and space management graphs. REM This script was created by version of the TOAD Server Side Objects Wizard DEFINE OWNER = 'TOAD' Prompt ============================================================================ Prompt Creating the TOAD User Prompt ============================================================================ Prompt Creating the TOAD User CREATE USER TOAD IDENTIFIED BY toad1234 DEFAULT TABLESPACE TOAD TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP QUOTA UNLIMITED ON TOAD; Prompt Granting System Privileges to TOAD Grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to TOAD; Grant ALTER SESSION to TOAD; Grant CREATE SEQUENCE to TOAD; Grant CREATE SESSION to TOAD; Grant CREATE SYNONYM to TOAD; Grant CREATE TR...

Monitoring standby database made easy

we can use a simple trick to check if the standby database is up to date or not : The trick is we are going to create a table and populate it every minute on primary server with a scheduled job using a  simple procedure.When we query the standby server we will see the table synced and if it is not the server is struck some where and has an issue. Table DDL :  CREATE TABLE "ORACLE"."DG_SYNC_STATUS"    (    "TSTAMP" TIMESTAMP (6),     "DB_UNIQUE_NAME" VARCHAR2(30 BYTE),     "PRIMARY_SCN" NUMBER,     "STANDBY_SCN" NUMBER,     "PROTECTION_MODE" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),     "PROTECTION_LEVEL" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE)    )  TABLESPACE "USERS" ;  then we will create a simple procedure to populate the table every minute and this also will cleanup rows older than sysdate -3 so you don't have to worry about cleaning it up or space issues. create or replace PROCEDURE  ...

ORA-00301: error in adding log file 'stdby02.log' - file cannot be created

SQL> alter database add standby logfile '/u02/oracle/oradata/stdby01.log' size 512M; Database altered. SQL> alter database add standby logfile '/u02/oracle/oradata/stdby02.log' size 512M; Database altered. SQL> alter database drop standby logfile '/u02/oracle/oradata/stdby01.log'; Database altered. SQL> SELECT GROUP#,THREAD#,SEQUENCE#,ARCHIVED,STATUS FROM V$STANDBY_LOG; GROUP#    THREAD#  SEQUENCE# ARC STATU ------ ---------- ---------- --- -----      6          0          0 YES UNASS                                  IGNED SQL> alter database drop standby logfile '/u02/oracle/oradata//stdby02.log'; Database altered. SQL> SELECT GROUP#,THREAD#,SEQUENCE#,ARCHIVED,STATUS FROM V$STANDBY_L...