Finding out Last DML Activity on a Table
create a function for the DML logging create or replace function scn_to_timestamp_safe(p integer) return timestamp is e_too_old_scn exception; pragma exception_init(e_too_old_scn,-8181); begin return case when p is not null then scn_to_timestamp(p) else null end; exception when e_too_old_scn then return null; end; / now querying the last DML (insert,update,delete) for table and this cant say if there was any select query run or not. select t.owner||'.'||t.table_name ,extractvalue( dbms_xmlgen.getXMLtype(q'[select nvl(scn_to_timestamp_safe (max(ora_rowscn)),timestamp'0001-01-01 00:00:00') t from "]'||t.owner||'"."'||t.table_name||'"') ,'/ROWSET/ROW/T' ...